Dragon Tails and Hot Air Balloons


Check out these charms from around the Web. With a couple of DIY kids’ projects and tutorials, a thoroughly delightful Etsy shop, and even some cupcakes, there are enough distractions here to keep me going till summer. But at least I’ll have dessert!

Home Decor by LittleGrayFox on Etsy. I’m in love with these ornaments, and everything else in this charming store.

These are so darling, they make me wish I had a girl to make them for. Don’t think The Boy would really appreciate them, but I think they are so clever and so cute.

Ah, but these dragon tails are much more up The Boy’s alley! I can’t wait to make a whole slew of these. I anticipate some serious dragon fun this summer.

This is just a ridiculous amount of deliciousness in one little package. I must try them immediately. A reward after tackling all these kids’ projects?

Actually, now that I think about it, maybe I need to start with the cupcakes. You know, just to build up my strength for all that sewing.

I’m off to track down some Oreos…

Next Up, My Autobiography in Shoes, with Interpretive Dance Accompaniment

For the past week or so, I’ve been on deadline for work, and I’m afraid I’ve been neglecting, my new love, this here blog, in favor of the old ball and chain. Gotta pay the bills. You know how it is.

In the meantime, I offer this:

My Life in Shirts: AKA a Shirt History of Nearly Everything

Smile, it’s Tuesday! Or, alternately, grumble sardonically into your coffee. Either way, we’re good.

Mad Men, Stylin’ Women

Whoo and big, big hoo. Mad Men is finally back! And if, like me, you are anxiously counting the minutes until the new season premieres tonight, kill some time browsing through Fashionista’s gallery showcasing the style evolution of the deeply awesome women of Mad Men. So fun.

(Except poor Peggy. Her style has evolved from horrendous to slightly less horrendous. But she rocks her awesomeness in so many other ways.)

(And also, scrolling through these photos made me realize, I’m dreading the day bell bottoms and sideburns show up to ruin the mod party. You just know polyester pantsuits are looming ever closer. So enjoy those bullet bras and cashmere twinsets while you can!)

Check it out here: The Style Evolution of the Women of Mad Men


Afternoon Delights

Embroidered Rainbow Stitches Linen Bag

Hectic days at work and at home meant I didn’t post quite as much as I planned to this week. I’ve got some fun stuff in the works for next week, but in the meantime I thought I’d share a couple of excellent time wasters, in case you’re in need of some wholly unproductive and delightful distractions. And really, who isn’t?

  • Apartment Therapy asks readers: What’s Under Your Bed? Weigh in with your comments and read others’ true confessions. Sure to inspire smug horror and perhaps a touch of Schadenfreude just for good measure. And then the guilt sets in.
  • And if that’s not enough to keep your procrastination in overdrive, head on over to Remodelista to enter their Pin It To Win It contest by creating your own color board on Pinterest. You could win some super-dandy Pantone mugs.  And I won’t be jealous at all. Nope, not even a little bit. At all.

Happy Weekend!


There’s Hope for My Dark, Indolent Soul Yet

Some days look like this:

Burnt Cake

Hopefully, they’re outnumbered by days that look like this:


So, yesterday? Burnt cake. Metaphorical cake, but still. My printer broke.  Both my computers seemed to be taking a personal day, because they certainly weren’t working. My phone was in a funk, and even my camera had the vapors. I got almost nothing checked off my mental (and actual) to-do lists, and for much of the day I felt like I was spinning my increasingly frustrated wheels. But in the midst of this technological black hole of death, there’s this:

Gandhi's Top 10 Fundamentals for Changing the World

Source: Gandhi typography poster via idea obscura.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just need to smack myself upside the head with truth, perspective, and kick-ass typography art. Hit the reset button, I’m ready to go!

[Click here to download a free PDF of this amazingly cool attitude readjuster for your very own self.]

The Wedding Invitation That Will Shame All Other Invitations Into Despair At Their Sheer Inadequacy

Seriously the coolest, sweetest wedding invitation ever. And I didn’t even know wedding invitations could be cool. Kinda makes me wish I knew these people, but then again, that is a lot of cool to live up to. Most likely, they could only disappoint. Hopefully they are living happily ever after. If not, I don’t even want to know.